Five Things in America That Are Deadlier Than Guns
It’s important to remember that the entire agenda of gun control is founded on lies. You’ve done your research. You see through the bull, but it’s so pervasive that even the strongest among us are left doubting our sanity every now and then.
Here’s a little support. From a statistical, scientific perspective, gun control is overwhelmingly stupid. We could talk about overall violent crime rates, the CDC study on the defensive use of firearms and all manner of facts. Instead, we’re going to simplify the argument and help with perspective.
We’re going to look at five things in America that are deadlier than guns, and they’re things most people wouldn’t expect. When you see how small of a problem guns actually are, it helps you retain your sanity in a see of leftist propaganda.
Let’s start with the low-hanging fruit. As of 2017 (most recent year with complete data), roughly 10 percent of all deaths in America were the result of medical errors. That’s chilling. It also amounts to more than 250,000 total deaths in the year and makes it the third-leading cause of death total. That’s right. It goes heart disease, cancer, medical mistakes.
Now, it’s completely unfair to blame all of those deaths on Obamacare. Instead, we have to look at how Obamacare impacted the problem, and to do that, we can consider too numbers. First, medical mistake deaths totaled 180,000 in 2010. Since then, the mistake death count has risen way faster than the population.
In short, Obamacare made a crowded, mistake-ridden healthcare system much worse. The second big statistic is that medical mistake deaths stopped rising after President Trump killed the federal mandate.
When we account for all of this, we can easily show that Obamacare kills more than 50,000 Americans a year. Gun deaths still sit around 30,000. Maybe regulation isn’t the answer after all.
A lot of gun enthusiasts already know this stat, but we’ll still clarify. Hammers do not kill 30,000 people a year. Instead, hammers are deadlier than a select group of firearms: long rifles.
When you add up every American killed by hunting rifles AR-15s and the entire category of long guns, it amounts to fewer deaths than those caused by hammers, every year. It’s important to point this out because the terrifying “assault” weapons that scare the left so much are literally less of a threat than basic carpentry tools.
By the way, hands and feet are also deadlier than long rifles. So, if we really want to save lives, we should confiscate hands and feet first. That would solve gun violence as a bonus! You can’t pull a trigger without hands or feet.
Once again, we’re being specific. Lightning doesn’t kill more people than guns, but that’s because you can’t reliably commit suicide by lightning. The statistic we’re highlighting here pertains to mass shootings. Even in the worst year in the history of our country (for mass shootings), lighting is four-times deadlier. It looks like we better regulate the weather. Oh yeah, the left is actually trying to do that . . .
Think of the children! You’ve heard this rallying cry. We have to ban all guns so our kids won’t die anymore. If saving kids is the goal, guns are way down on the list. For all American kids under the age of 18, bicycles are much deadlier than firearms. Before we confiscate guns, we should probably get rid of bikes. That’s to say nothing of the nine causes of death for children that far outnumber bicycles.
Befriending the Clintons
Admittedly, this is partially a joke. On the other hand, it’s also pretty scary. We’ll skirt the conspiracy theories for today, but there’s an important correlation to make. The left says that simply owning a gun makes you way more likely to be shot. That’s not statistically true (because it ignores all defensive uses of firearms), but it does open up an interesting counterargument.
Befriending Bill and Hillary Clinton makes you about 500-percent more likely to commit suicide. Some of those suicides end up being by firearms (two-shots-to-the-back-of-the-head suicides), but that’s a frightening statistic to consider. Why is being friends with the Clintons so deadly? Should they be regulated?
There’s our five statistics. Can you think of other things that are surprisingly deadlier than firearms? Feel free to discuss the problem, and make sure you share this information with every leftist who wants to take your guns.
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