We’re Getting Close to Civil War in Virginia
If you think that America is just in a weird season with a terrible crop of Democrat presidential candidates that will soon pass, think again. Donald Trump broke the brains of people on the left when the American voters sent him to the White House in 2016.
The incredible nuttiness of the 2020 Democrat contenders is what that political party has turned into.
Trump is such an existential threat to these people that they no longer have a common sense “off” switch when it comes to tyranny. There’s no way out but forward, ladies and gentlemen.
If you have any doubts about this, look at the incredible slate of anti-gun laws that the new Democrat-controlled Virginia legislature plans to pass on Day One in January, when it is sworn in. They plan to turn the state into Cambodia under Pol Pot. Here’s their Day One list:
- Universal background checks on all firearm sales and transfers
- Background checks for firearm transfers
- Penalties for failure to report lost or stolen firearms within 24 hours
- Total ban on possession, transport, sale or manufacture of “assault” weapons; total ban on 10-or-more round magazines
- Total ban on trigger activators
- Ban on possession or transporting any weapon in Capitol Square or any state-owned property; they even included ninja throwing stars in this bill, to make sure they covered all the bases
- Gun ownership age raised from 18 to 21
- Only one handgun purchase allowed in a 30-day period
- Firearms must be locked up and rendered inaccessible and inoperable if you have a child under 14 in your home
And of course, they’ll also pass the “paramilitary” ban that everyone was talking about over the Thanksgiving break. That’s a bill that declares you guilty, without exception, of unlawful paramilitary training which will be a Class 5 felony in Virginia, if you engage in any type of armed or unarmed self-defense activity that could injure another person.
The bill is so poorly worded that a woman watching a karate training DVD alone in her apartment could be prosecuted for “paramilitary” training. So could a group of teenagers playing Call of Duty or some other realistic military video game with each other.
That’s their Day One to-do list. Keep in mind that you could go to a yard sale at a stranger’s house in Virginia today and purchase an AR-15 and several Glocks from them, along with several cans of surplus military rounds, without a background check. But on Day One of Virginia’s new Democrat-controlled legislature, all of that is banned. You can’t sell the firearms, buy them, transport them or possess them. Virginia Governor Blackface “Make the Baby Comfortable” McKlanHood will sign the bills into law as quickly as his underlings can roll them off of the assembly line.
The preliminary reaction to this is that townhall meetings in rural Virginia counties are packed to the gills. 22 Virginia counties have already declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries. The people are stockpiling firearms and ammunition. County lines will become battle lines. Driving through Virginia from another state will become a bizarre, meandering task – “Am I in a sanctuary county for guns, or for illegal aliens at the moment?”
The people of those rural counties, who have been a majority in Virginia for quite a few years, now feel that their votes no longer count or matter. The blue counties welcomed enough Third World immigrant voters to nullify the votes of families that have been in Virginia for almost 500 years.
This is happening in the state that produced presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor and probably some others I’ve forgotten, as well as Peyton Randolph (president of the 1775 Continental Congress) and the one-and-only Sam Houston, Governor of Tennessee and later Texas.
We used to roll our eyes and think, “It’ll never happen here.” But now we have every presidential candidate in one party declaring that they will try to do exactly what Virginia Democrats are about to do to gun owners, but to everyone in America. They’re not kidding. But then, neither are the rural families that are now stocking up on weapons and ammo.
Conservative, patriotic families that see the looming danger in this will start to skedaddle from Virginia, reducing the conservative vote totals. Keep your eye on Virginia, because pretty soon, there won’t be any way for the remaining patriots to vote their way out of this mess. When people know their votes don’t matter, things can get interesting in a hurry.

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