Democrats $50 Million Lie on Gun Research EXPOSED as Biased Gun Control Ploy
In case you missed it, the Democrats stopped squabbling just long enough to remind us all that they want to take our guns away. They try to hide behind the guise of research, but the truth is that they are lying. They aren’t misinformed. They aren’t sticking to gray areas or half-truths. They are deliberately, unflinchingly lying to the American people.
So, we’re going to fight back. We’re going to deconstruct the lies and arm you with the truth. Every time a liberal repeats one of their lies, you can show them this and see how they react.
Gun Research is Banned
This is one of the most common liberal talking points. Congress is even sticking behind it to try and levy an additional $50 million in gun control research. What they say is that unless we research gun deaths as a public health issue, we can’t find reasonable solutions to the problem. That would be a fair point if it wasn’t a complete lie. Gun research has never been outlawed by the federal government on any level.
What the left is twisting is the Dicky Amendment. It was passed in 1996, and it clearly states that the CDC cannot advocate for gun control. It in no way restricts actual research. It just requires a government agency to remain non-political and objective in its role. How terrible!
The lies fall apart completely when you realize that President Obama commissioned the CDC to investigate gun deaths as a public health issue. The federal government paid for the entire thing, and there were no legal problems with the study.
The left likes to pretend this never happened — mostly because the study found that guns save lives. You might remember hearing about this. It’s the study that showed as many as 3 million people a year are saved by defensive uses of guns. Compared to the 30,000 or so deaths, that seems like a pretty shut and closed case.
Of course, that one study is nowhere close to the whole picture. Since 2015, the federal government has paid for $43 million in gun-death research. Here’s the bigger picture. Federal research accounts for only three percent of total gun-death research. That means the country as a whole has spent $1.4 billion in the last three years on this one issue.
With all of that research, there is still no compelling evidence to suggest that more gun control laws will save lives. But there is a ton of evidence to the contrary.
The Real Motive
You can already see where this is going. The left is lying about gun research being outlawed for two reasons. First, they need to invalidate the overwhelming body of evidence that shows guns save lives in this country. It’s a no-contest issue. If they were to face the very real science, their gun-control agenda would be dead today.
The second motivation is to take control of the research. If Congress is funding the majority of gun research, and they’re controlled by Democrats, they can threaten to cut funding to research groups unless it says what they want. It’s an identical play to what they did with climate research. Since the truth doesn’t support their narrative, they want to seize more control and push their lies.
This is all thinly veiled and predictable. If you show liberals the billions of dollars worth of research on gun crime, they either stuff their fingers in their ears or give up the fight. But, since the new third wave of communism is threatening our country, the Democrats in power want to make another play at the most important component of liberty and freedom. They want our guns so they can make us the next Venezuela. They know what they’re doing, and they don’t care.
It’s important to be honest about this situation. No member of Congress can claim ignorance on this. They all know that gun research isn’t outlawed. They all know that billions of dollars have been poured into the subject. They also know that a big chunk of that money has come from George Soros and Michael Bloomberg, and despite the obvious bias, it all says that gun control is the wrong way to go.
In spite of all of that knowledge, they still write laws that get us close and closer to outlawing private gun ownership. There’s only one motivation: They want to make sure you can’t shoot them when they achieve the level of tyranny they desire.
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