Wired Magazine: Latest Media Outlet to Continue to Push FALSE Narrative on Gun Violence
Liberal attacks on the Second Amendment continue with a recent nationally circulated magazine article blaming firearms and lawful owners of firearms for the illegal acts committed by a very few. Wired magazine recently published an absurd article blaming firearm owners for not giving up their weapons, despite repeated “mass shootings” during the past five years.
The laughably illogical opinion piece chastises Americans for “becoming numb” to stories reporting “gun massacres” in recent years. It then goes on to list locations where firearms are or were banned: Churches and a synagogue, public schools, bars, a music festival, and a center for people with disabilities. It does not chastise those locations for trusting the honor system to keep criminals from carrying out murderous intent on a disarmed public.
The Wired article falsely claims the United States is the only nations where “mass shootings” happen repeatedly, and doubles down on stupid by claiming the U.S. is the only wealthy nation with seemingly high rate of firearms deaths.
Much like lies and statistics, the Wired article doesn’t pass scrutiny when taking a factual look at the situation.
While it is true the U.S. has a high rate of firearms deaths, the vast majority of those deaths are self-inflicted gunshot wounds. Suicide is the single greatest cause of firearms deaths in virtually any nation that is not at war and enables citizens to own firearms. Nothing suggests suicides happen because firearms are present. In fact, suicides occur frequently in nations that do not allow firearms ownership.
But, back to the absurd claim that the U.S. is the only wealthy nation that experiences repeated “mass shootings.” The nation with the highest death rate due to mass shootings is one that liberals often cite as a socialist paradise – Norway. Norway leads the world with a mass shooting casualty rate of 1.9 per million citizens, which is well ahead of the U.S. and its rate of 0.09.
Also ahead of the U.S. are France, Finland, Belgium and the Czech Republic. None of those nations have the Second Amendment. We don’t even hear about “assault rifles” being a problem in them. Yet, they all rate worse than the U.S. in mass shooting death rates.
For that matter, from 2009 to 2015, the entire European Union posted a mass shooting death rate that was 27 percent higher than the United States during the same period.
More proof the anti-gun article is laughably wrong comes via examination of actual mass shooting events in highly developed nations. Among 16 mass shootings that claimed at least 15 victims from 2009 to 2015, four were in United States, while Germany, France and the UK each reported two.
The U.S., though, has a population that is five times greater than the UK’s and four times that of Germany’s. When it comes to frequency of attacks, Germany posted a rate nearly twice that of the U.S., and the UK a rate nearly 2.5 times greater than in the United States. Neither of those nations enable access to firearms to citizens like in the U.S., yet, the numbers show they are much more dangerous for the general public.
The Wired article clearly plays up a false narrative that access to firearms leads to deadly consequences for those who do not support the Second Amendment. Those deadly consequences come via mass shootings, but the article tacitly admits such shootings in the U.S. only occur in locations that ban firearms.
Such gun-free zones stupidly rely on the honor system for enforcement in most cases. Churches and schools are examples of places where firearms absolutely are prohibited. Yet, they often wind up the site of repeated mass shootings – in locations around the world.
While the Wired article does acknowledge suicides contributing to the firearms death rate in the United States, it weakly attempts to dismiss the impact of self-inflicted death. The U.S. is second only to Greenland in suicide death rates involving firearms. Removing suicides from the nation’s firearms death rates, and the U.S. suddenly plummets to 28th in the world in deaths involving firearms.
Assess the impact of firearms in the United States, requires far more than simply adding up individual events and claiming a small number amounts to any kind of a trend. Such approaches only provide statistically invalid conclusions that only the ignorant and uneducated accept as fact. The rest of us shake our heads and plan our next trip to the local shooting range.

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