Whoa! MSNBC Makes Clear Case for Second Amendment and Citizens Gun Rights
There are some outlandishly stupid ideas circulating in American politics right now. It’s hard to say which is the absolute worst, but it takes a special kind of moron to look at Venezuela and then promote gun control in our own country. Yet, this is still a talking point for the most radical leftists.
The thing you need to know—and that the mainstream media won’t tell you—is that even common liberals are starting to agree with conservatives about guns. When you look at problems around the world, it’s pretty easy to see why owning a gun is a good idea. That’s exactly what happened with a recent report made by liberal to the bone media outlet MSNBC.
In case you’re hiding from the SJWs under your trusty rock, the situation in Venezuela is spiraling. Current President Maduro has control over the military, but the people are not happy with him. Protests are rampant, and Maduro has responded to protests by ordering the military to run the people over with armored vehicles. This looks exactly like every other protest of a socialist dictatorship in the history of humanity.
The one part of this story that is surprising is how MSNBC described the situation. In their words, “Maduro still controls the military, you have to understand in Venezuela, gun ownership is not open to everybody. So if the military has the guns, they have the power, and as long as Maduro controls the military, he controls the country.”
That is from an actual report done by the most liberal mainstream media outlet of them all. This is the exact point conservatives have been making since 1776, but it seems the extreme example in Venezuela helped the super liberals of MSNBC wake up a little bit. The Second Amendment is the key to freedom. Without it, a dictator can just run over innocent people in the streets.
A History of Disarmament
It’s sad that the extremists at MSNBC needed live footage of citizens being massacred to come to this conclusion. The simple truth is that socialism has a long history of disarmament and violence towards the innocent. If the liberals would study even a little history, this wouldn’t be a hot-button issue anymore. Here’s a short list of some of the most violent dictatorships.
In 1911, Turkey disarmed its citizens. They followed that with the Armenian genocide. More than 1.5 million people were murdered by the government.
The Soviet Union disarmed their populace in 1929. They spent decades violently suppressing protests and illegally arresting and murdering citizens. By 1953, the kill count was over 20 million.
China banned weapons in 1935. That had two disastrous effects. The first happened when Japan invaded in WWII. The Rape of Nanking saw at least 800,000 citizens brutally murdered in occupied territory. Not to be outdone, Mao’s socialist government followed that act of terror by killing 20 million of their own people.
Most famously, Germany disarmed the population in 1938. The Holocaust killed 6 million German Jews. It killed an additional 7 million non-Jewish Germans.
Guatemala, Cambodia, Uganda and Rwanda all established harsh gun control in the second half of the twentieth century. Each of those acts was followed by genocide. In total, millions were murdered.
You can find plenty more stories like this, but every government on this list disarmed citizens in the name of peace and safety. They all amassed power by promising socialist handouts. In every single case, mass murder was the final result. This is the legacy of socialism.
But Does Arming the Population Really Work?
The liberals who cling to their ideals of gun control will still scoff at all of this. They’ll tell you that in the face of a modern military, an armed citizenry stands no chance. That’s wrong on several fronts.
First, the armed citizens of Afghanistan successfully repelled a Soviet invasion for roughly a decade. The Soviet army was still the largest in the world at that time, and many experts considered it to be at the time the most powerful ground force on the planet. The Afghans won that war.
Let’s extrapolate that concept to modern America. The United States military is the most powerful fighting force the world has ever seen. With 1.4 million active members, the U.S. has proven able to topple governments in less than two weeks. With so much technology and so many accolades, it’s still clear that the U.S. military has absolutely no chance of quelling a large-scale rebellion in this country.
Currently, there are over 100 million armed citizens wielding more than 300 million weapons. The citizens outnumber and outgun the military by roughly 100 to one. There is no military in the world that could subdue the American people, and it’s because we defend the Second Amendment.

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