More Violence from the Left, But You Won’t See it in the News
There were three mass shootings a couple of weeks ago, but the odds are you didn’t hear much about the one in Dayton, Ohio and even less about the one in Chicago, Illinois.
More violence comes from the left, but you won’t see it in the news.
The murder spree in El Paso, Texas got most of the press and there’s a reason. That shooting the media was able to criticize and blame Trump for it, the others were harder to do that with, in fact those made them look bad, therefore they didn’t focus on those two much.
While the press gave Democratic presidential candidates like Beto O’Rourke a platform to lay the blame at President Trump’s feet for a psychotic madman killing people in a Walmart in El Paso, the story was different in Dayton.
Yes, the mainstream media grudgingly admitted the shooter in Dayton supported Democrat Elizabeth Warren, but the outrage exhibited in Texas was all but absent there.
Turn your attention to Chicago and you will hear little from the press about how the black men per weekend who are killed there eclipses the total killed in El Paso.
CNN has much to say about how anyone who supports President Trump is a racist. A madman in El Paso went on a killing spree because of Trump but you will never hear Wolf Blitzer infer Elizabeth Warren inspired the death metal listening leftist shooter in Ohio to carry out his long-time fantasy of killing as many innocent people as he could.
The same is true for coverage of Antifa. Leftist thugs wander the streets of Portland Oregon chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon,” “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now!”
ICE and border patrol agents are targeted by Antifa following accusations of them running “concentration camps.” Where is the condemnation for their hateful rhetoric?
When a leftist attacks an ICE facility in Colorado — the U.S. Flag is ripped from its pole to be replaced by the Mexican flag — a Blue Lives Matter flag is defaced — a masked Antifa assailant attacks an ICE facility in Seattle, Washington armed with a semi-automatic rifle and a Molotov cocktail — a leftist shoots a US Congressman at a GOP baseball game. Where is the outrage?
A few weeks ago, a federally elected official published his own “hit list” of supporters of President Trump along with their businesses in San Antonio and the mainstream media is all but silent.
After that hit list was made known a man fired shots through the windows of an Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in that city. Christopher Combs, special agent in charge of the FBI’s San Antonio operations said, “An attempt to attack federal employees is a federal crime with serious consequences. The FBI will relentlessly pursue every lead in this case to find the individuals who are responsible.”
While President Trump had nothing to do with the shooting in El Paso, a progressive socialist all but encouraged leftists to target business that support the President.
Fox News reported, “Trump donors whose names and employers were posted in a highly controversial tweet by Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro blasted the Texas congressman on Wednesday for what they described as a ridiculous stunt and, in interviews with Fox News, rejected his claim that they are ‘fueling a campaign of hate’ against Hispanics. One of those Trump donors even revealed he’s also been a supporter of local Democratic lawmakers—including Castro himself.”
Castro, whose brother Julian is running for president, sought to link local businesses, many of which donated money to both Democrats and Republicans, to what he called a “campaign of hate.”
Imagine if a Republican official had outed the donors of Rep. Rashida Tlaib after she told reporters the “Holocaust gives [her] a calming feeling?”
As conservative pundit Allen West said, “The outrage from the left-wing media would have been incessant and every Republican would be called on to disavow the action . . . and President Trump would be blamed for creating an atmosphere of hate, racism, sexism.”
If the press holds President Trump to account for violence on the right, then who will hold the progressive socialist left accountable?
West reminds us, “when tolerance becomes a one-way street, it leads to cultural suicide.” In that case, the liberal mainstream media is responsible for the death of America as we know it.
Thank God we still have the polling place where neither CNN nor MSNBC has the last say.

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