Gun Rights Organization Successfully Pushing Constitutional Carry, Suppressor Deregulation
The mainstream media so intent on perpetuating the myth that America has the worst gun laws in the world, that they saturate the airwaves with negative stories involving firearms. So prevalent is this fake news narrative that Second Amendment enthusiasts have largely turned off the news. That’s why you can’t be blamed for missing the good things happening around the country.
For example did you hear about Idaho’s Governor Brad Little who signed a Gun Owners of America (GOA) backed ordinance that champions 2nd Amendment rights?
Republican Representative Christy Zito authored the bill which the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance backed inside the state legislature.
While Idaho had already declared itself to be a Constitutional Carry state, its previous statutes only allowed those 21 and above to carry. The Gem State’s new law dropped the age for permitless concealed carry to those who are 18-years-old.
Three other states that have improved their concealed laws since the beginning of 2019 are: South Dakota (January), Oklahoma (February) and Kentucky (March).
Idaho’s move brings the total number of permitless carry states to 17. More states are positioned to follow.
The GOA is pushing legislation that will deregulate suppressors allowing gun owners to purchase them, as with any other firearm accessory.
Referring to the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s prevailing opinion in the Supreme Court’s District of Columbia v. Heller ruling, the Second Amendment Sanctuary ordinance reinforces each state’s right and responsibility to enforce the 14th Amendment.
In particular, it highlights Section 1 of that Amendment which reads:
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
GOA’s ordinance reinforces the constitutionally protected authority of local governments to refuse to cooperate with state and federal firearm laws that violate those rights and to proclaim a Second Amendment Sanctuary for law-abiding citizens in their cities and counties.
States that adopt such an ordinance provide local law enforcement a powerful weapon in resisting federal intervention. Not only does this state law provide stiff penalties for refusal to obey the law, but it also gives local governments legal tools for denying local taxpayer monies to be used to deny 2nd Amendment rights.
The ordinance reads that anyone acting in an official capacity must not “knowingly and willingly” take part in any unlawful acts concerning “personal firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition.”
Unlawful acts in signing states include:
Assets, county funds, or funds allocated by any entity to the county, in whole or in part, to engage in any activity that aids in the enforcement or investigation relating to an Unlawful Act in connection with personal firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition.
GOA is supporting legislation at the state level that would decriminalize the possession of suppressors.
Texas HB 2286, when passed, will prohibit state officials from arresting any gun owner who possesses a suppressor without paying the NFA tax.
Most states have refused to pass new gun control laws aimed at taking weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, but anti-gun Democrats have shredded the Constitution and rammed new gun restrictions into law in several states.
GOA now focuses on states like Washington where pro-gun counties are resisting their respective state legislators by passing Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinances.
That state made the news when liberal-minded state officials passed anti-2nd Amendment legislation. Since then, over half of the counties in that state have declared themselves “2nd Amendment Counties.”
Following that example, twenty-eight out of thirty-three counties in New Mexico and sixty-three counties/municipalities in Illinois have declared themselves 2nd Amendment sanctuaries.
130 counties across the country have declared themselves to be Second Amendment sanctuaries. More than 200 have declared they will not enforce red flag gun confiscation orders.
Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams in Colorado set the standard when he announced he would not enforce the unconstitutional red flag gun grab passed by his state legislature. He said, “No sheriff wants to be confined in their own jail, but … I’ll do that before I violate somebody’s constitutional rights.”
The good news is there are a lot more Sheriff Reams out there than MSNBC is telling people about.

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