Cory Booker’s Outrageous Gun Control Scheme Ignores 2nd Amendment
Democrat presidential hopeful Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey announced that he is calling for all gun owners to obtain a federal firearms license. From which he’ll essentially be creating a gun registry of all gun owners in America. Anyone who refuses can go to jail as far as it concerns him.
Booker’s campaign proclaimed his plan to be the “most sweeping gun violence prevention plan ever put forth by a presidential candidate.”
The senator told a raucous crowd of supporters that his proposal is built on “rigorous evidence at the state level” that demonstrates “the connection between gun licensing and reduction in gun violence.”
Booker’s plan calls for both first-time and all current firearms buyers to seek a license at an assigned office, much like obtaining a passport. All applications would require verification by the FBI before being approved. A transition period for current gun owners is a part of the plan.
13 states and the District of Columbia currently have some form of mandatory permit or licensing rule but Booker says the other states can’t be trusted to follow suit.
In his statement, Booker proclaimed, “I am sick and tired of hearing thoughts and prayers for the communities that have been shattered by gun violence. It is time for bold action.”
The plan includes elements already proposed by other Democratic presidential contenders, among which are:
- Modernization of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
- The reinstitution of a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity firearm magazines.
Booker said his plan to address gun violence is simple. He said, “We will make it harder for people who should not have a gun to get one.”
Senator Booker took aim at his long-time foe, the National Rifle Association (NRA), promising if elected president, he would “bring a fight to the NRA like they have never ever seen before.”
The Republican National Committee was quick to respond. RNC spokesperson Mandi Merritt said, “Just when you think the 2020 field could not get any more out there, Cory Booker comes in with a plan to use executive action filled with new restrictions and permits on law-abiding gun-owners. Voters across the country will see this as another big government grab on our constitutional rights.”
Such a plan might even face resistance in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. Even if the House passed such a bill, the Republican-controlled Senate has downed less-sweeping gun restriction proposals in the last few years.
Booker has yet to have a breakout moment in the crowded Democrat field and may seek advantage with what is now the most extreme gun-control proposal made by any presidential aspirant in twenty years.
The plan not only calls for a federal registry of guns but a federal registry of gun owners as well. Americans desiring to exercise their Second Amendment right to bear arms would have to apply to Washington – not once but every five years.
Edmund Burke wrote that Americans sets themselves apart among the people of the world in that they did not wait for an “actual grievance” but instead “augur misgovernment at a distance, and snuff the approach of tyranny in every tainted breeze.”
One only has to look at recent events in Venezuela to see that a national registry of firearms is in effect, as National Review’s editors observed, “a giant map that can be used by its keeper to locate who is armed and how, and, thus, to make their disarmament possible.”
Booker is a longtime cheerleader for the federal government’s “terror watch list.” Should his plan be added to that, it would become a massive, error-ridden list of mostly innocent people who have not been accused, charged, or convicted of any crime who could nevertheless have their weapons seized.
Such a plan is not only anti-Constitution but guns-and-people-registries have already been proven useless. Countries like Canada have tried it and failed miserably.
Our northern neighbor passed a long-gun registry in 2003 and the abandoned it nine years later because it cost over a thousand times more than projected without helping to solve a single crime.
Such plans have been shown to be both expensive and useless because they divert resources from anti-crime measures that actually work.
Booker appealed to the flawed argument “only people who should fear his agenda are criminals.”
No Senator, what you and most Democrat politicians want to do is turn millions of law-abiding citizens into criminals.
Ironically, candidates like Cory Booker and Bernie Sanders would give convicted violent criminals the right to vote for them.

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